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Buy Nandrolone Decanoate Body Pharm in Poland

Brand: Body pharm
Product Code: Nandrolone decanoate
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Specifications: (see all)
Often used in bodybuilding and sports to increase muscle mass and strength.
Country of origin
Active ingredient
Decanoate of nandrolone
200-600 mg per week
Course duration
Usually 8-12 weeks

Nandrolone decanoate is an anabolic steroid that is actively used in bodybuilding and other sports disciplines. This drug promotes muscle mass growth, improves strength indicators, accelerates regeneration, and reduces catabolism.

However, it is important to keep in mind that Nandrolone decanoate can cause certain side effects. Possible negative reactions of the body include impaired liver function, increased blood pressure, decreased natural testosterone levels, acne, and other skin problems, decreased libido, etc. Before starting the intake, be sure to consult a doctor and follow all dosage and intake recommendations.

The dosage of Nandrolone decanoate may vary depending on your goals and individual characteristics of the body. It is usually recommended to start with a low dose, for example, 200 mg per week, and gradually increase it to 400-600 mg per week. The duration of the course is usually 8 to 12 weeks. The drug is taken by injections into the muscles.

An important aspect of using Nandrolone decanoate is post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore natural hormone levels. Usually, drugs containing clomiphene or tamoxifen are used. If necessary to restore testosterone levels, the use of drugs containing gonadotropin may be required.

In our online store, you will find all the necessary drugs for successful courses of Nandrolone decanoate by Body pharm. Place an order right now and get the opportunity to improve your physical shape and achieve new sports results!

Main characteristics
Often used in bodybuilding and sports to increase muscle mass and strength.
Country of origin
Active ingredient
Decanoate of nandrolone
Pharmacological group
Anabolic steroid
Physical characteristics
Form of release
Shelf life
It is necessary to store in the original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
200-600 mg per week
Course duration
Usually 8-12 weeks
Action time
About 8-10 days
Side effects
Possible acne, fat deposits, decreased production of natural testosterone.
Hyper sensitivity or allergic reaction to the drug or any of its components
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1. What is the anabolic steroid nandrolone decanoate?
- Nandrolone decanoate is an anabolic steroid that is derived from the male sex hormone testosterone.

2. How does nandrolone decanoate affect the body?
- Nandrolone decanoate promotes protein synthesis in the body, which contributes to muscle growth and increased strength. It also improves the body's ability to recover after workouts and reduces recovery time from injuries.

3. What are the possible side effects of using nandrolone decanoate?
- Some side effects of using nandrolone decanoate include increased acne, increased aggression, decreased cholesterol levels, sleep disturbances, gynecomastia (enlargement of male breast tissue), decreased natural testosterone production, and possible increased headaches.

4. What are the risks of abusing nandrolone decanoate?
- Abusing nandrolone decanoate can lead to serious consequences such as liver problems, increased blood pressure, damage to the heart and blood vessels, increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.